African girls are strong so strong that I wonder where they get their strength from! I am an African girl and I am strong and mighty.
I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to do but I must take some time off to rest. The much needed rest after putting in my best in what I do.
I have to unwind which is why I took a trip to Ibadan and ended up in Lagos just to see something new and explore.
I visited the zoo, the beach, the art gallery and ate new meals to appease my taste bud. It was a beautiful trip!!!
I do this twice a year. Mid year and during Christmas season. I have to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in Grand style! I have to!
While you toil and hustle remember to take some time and rest. It’s a way of taking care of your mental health and you will even come back strong and well rejuvenated. Our body shouldn’t break down because we are trying to be someone!
What I love about taking some time off is that it give me time to plan my next move and reevaluate my goals. So dear, visit that place that you’ve been longing to visit.
I got to see giraffe, Lions, donkey, large pythons,donkeys, monkey, owl, and so much more.
I ate enough amala and ewedu. I enjoyed all the Yoruba meals. I love Yoruba rice and stew because of a certain flavor it has. The kpomo is usually big and soft.
Explore while you can my darling. I can’t wait to be officially married so I can plan trips with my husband.
My kids will visit every fine place in this world. Na me be their mama! Na me! I can’t wait to share this awesomeness with an amazing person!
May our dreams come true! Sending you love and light