The cost of living is going up and most people are still earning the same amount of money

What are we expected to do at this point? Naira has no value, the moment you withdraw 10k, it finishes and you start wondering what you bought with it.
A lot of people are getting frustrated, may this not be our potion in Jesus name. The electricity tariff has been increased, food is way more expensive, let’s not even talk about school fee.
I ask again, What do you want us to do?
The worst is the cost of living in a house, in Enugu state where there are no big companies where people are supposed to earn from, the rent has been doubled. landlords of new houses blame it on the high cost of building materials.
That’s understandable but the owners of old house have also doubled the rent! What could be the reason? Greed!! Wickedness!!
I am about to move to a new place but here is why, The landlord leased his building to a client who renovated and rented the apartments upon expiration of the lease, the landlord doubled the initial amount and this caused problems between them.
Now, the clients decided not to renew as the additional amount was unreasonable, after taking back his house, the landlord told us that we are going to pay a new lawyer fee of 60k, agent fee of 30k, buy a form at 5k and the rent which used to be 280k will now be 400k, if we want retain our apartments.
Madness! I had to look for another house, these landlords are worse than Buhari!! Making life difficult for the masses.
Thankfully, my new house is even better and more afforadable.
This matter should be looked into before it generates into something we can’t control.
Nothing good will come from increasing the prices of everything, even fuel and diesel are not left out. Transportation nko?
It’s needless to say that robbery is on the increase and ladies have turned prostitution into a side hustle, Yes oo, some of them have jobs but they need to make ends meet.
I am using this medium to call on government at all levels to look into this matter. Make life easy for those you are governing.
Nigeria can be great again if we do the right thing.
Sending you all love and light, i know you need it. it shall be alright.