Some of the hardest conversations I’ve ever had is with myself. Chioma how do you intend to spend your lifetime here on earth before going to heaven to enjoy spirit time?
The answers to the questions i ask myself helps me to make informed decisions and it humbles each time i remember that every day we all draw near to death but first we must live and do great things that will outlive us.
Search inward and figure out what you can do to make life better for everyone, even if its a job that pays you. Doctors, nurses, lawyer, engineers, on air personalities are all professionals that help people in one way or another and are paid for it.
What are you doing to ensure that your name is written in gold? No one will remember what outfits you wore but people will remember how well you treated them.
Be kind.
Encourage people.
Help people.
Do not look down on people.
Do not judge them.
Walk away disrespect.
Dine and wine with only people that value you.
Move with like minds.
Take your health seriously because you can’t live a fulfilled life when ill.
Have a support system. Believe when i say that there will be there when you feel like giving up, that’s when they come in to hold your hands and encourage you.
Travel and explore life. Visit good places and rest as much as you can.
Understand that family is who treats you like family, this has nothing to do with blood. Cain killed Abel.
Pray! Always pray and ask God for guidance, he is master of the universe and make lines fall in pleasant places for you.
Don’t forget the needy around you. There is more happiness and reward in giving than in receiving.
Sending you love and light!