Adesuwa Etomi Wellington took to her instagram page to reveal why she is better off natural

“I’ve been wearing cornrows a lot lately on purpose. I feel like my most authentic self when i wear braids, plaits or when I wear my hair out. If you’ve followed me closely, you’d know what I mean. You’d know this isn’t new.
In general, I believe in keeping it simple. Whether it’s from my clothes, to my hair, to my lifestyle. I’m saying this cause every now and then someone tries to turn the word ‘simple’ to mean something negative as though it’s something I should be ashamed of.
So I, Adesua Etomi-Wellington, am out here, holding it down for the simple girls.
Or the ones who rock cornrows wvery now and again, the minimalists…
I hope you look at me and feel pride KNOWING that these rows our ancestors wore are still a thing to be proud of. I hope you see me and rocks yours with pride if you want to but above all, may you know that you are more than your hair no matter how you choose to wear it and more than your clothes, no matter what styles you choose to wear.
I do this for the girls deemed ‘too simple’. There is not a single thing wrong with simplicity. We may be ‘simple’ but there is not a single thing simple about us. Raise your glass if you are a SG 🥂

This isn’t about style and hair as much as it is about being yourself. Saying this so you stop questioning who you are. Embrace it. It’s ok. It’s more than ok, It’s great”

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