City girl
fine girl


As a young fine girl living in the city of Enugu state, i can tell you with my full chest that ife ana alu adiro easy at all.

If i tell you say e easy, na set up. Girls in the city do almost everything that men do to survive. We deserve some accolade.

Girls pay the same bill as men these days, we fuel our cars, pay rent, send money home and the list goes on and on.

However, beautiful girls are judged by their appearance.

Why do people expect a fine girl to perform less at work or in business?

Almost every man you meet wants to have a taste of you, even when you have alot to offer.

One thing i can tell you is that girls are breaking boundries, reaching height, doing what was once impossible.

I am proud that i am a woman in the city in an era like this. These days we stand up against all forms of abuse.

We look out for eachother as well as employ eaachother.

Dear diary, Life is better for the girl child now, thank God for social media.

Social media provided platforms for us to air our view, showcase our talents and businesses.

i am a fine city girl and i am proud of my achievements so far. More to come!


Sending you love and light!!

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