African Pear

African pear is one of the goodness that comes with this season. There is cold in the air and a lot of people are getting sick but nature has provided us with fruits that will keep us strong so why not eat lots of it?

Do you know that African Pear contains essential ingredients for warding off diseases and can help protect women against postmenopausal breast cancer.

Ube is a hypoallergenic fruit which contains carbohydrates, fat (no cholesterol), vitamins (C, B1, B6, Folate, Niacin) and minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Iron, and zinc).

Here are five health benefits of the African Pear;

Fights against cancer

Studies in the last three decades has shown a direct link between an increased fibre in-take which is contains in Ube and a decrease in Colon cancer which could be due to the fibre contained or other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, petrochemicals and essential fatty acid.

Strengthens bones and teeth

The African pear also contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus; minerals found mainly in the bones and teeth of our body. Ube has also been known to prevent stiff joint and bone pain.

Helps to Maintain a Health skin

While it contains a rich amount of vitamin C which works to fend off cell damage from free radicals even more than othrer fruits like oranges and lemons, Ube also helps to improve the texture of your skin by making it smoother and reducing wrinkles.

Good for the heart

Ube also contains a lot of soluble fibre which  reduces absorption of cholesterol and bile acid from the small intestines, thereby reducing blood cholesterol level.

Prevents constipation

Ube which is also rich in fibre helps add bulk to stool thereby making bowel movement easier.

So why not eat some African Pear with boiled corn and enjoy its benefits.

Sending you love and light

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